Priest Wiki
The Original


The Original


The Original

Ivan Isaacs (Priest) –
Priest (or Ivan Isaacs in the graphic novel) is the protagonist of both the movie Priest and the graphic novel. As a faithful follower of God, and being highly skilled in combat, he decides to hunt down the vampires who kidnapped his niece, Lucy. However, in order to do this, he has to break the vows he made to give up vampire hunting. He joined the church after the last Vampire war and the Veteran Warrior Priest is living in one of the Church's cities.

During his journey to save Lucy, he will be accompanied by a former warrior Priestess and Lucy's boyfriend, Hicks.

The director Scott Stewart explained on MTV's splashpage, "The priests of our story are like Jedi knights. They have these supernatural abilities to fight vampires and they saved humanity before the movie even begins. Now, a generation later, society has moved on from war, and the priests are like pariahs. They're almost like Vietnam vets—they've been cast aside by society and they're now reviled and feared."

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MissJewel MissJewel 21 April 2011

The "Twin Peaks Princess"

I am more than excited to see Mädchen E. Amick in this movie. I will never forget her role in Twin Peaks as the waitress at the Double R Diner. That was one of my favorite T.V shows, and a lot of it …

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Scarecroe Scarecroe 20 April 2011

Paul Bettany

Paul Bettany has had an interesting career of late. The first thing I saw him in was The Da Vinci Code (2006) where he plays the albino servant to an authority figure of a radical sect of the Catholic…

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Bchwood Bchwood 20 April 2011

Graphic Novel creator's role in the film

As a fan of the graphic novels, I was pleased to read that director Scott Stewart flew S. Korean graphic novelist creator Hyung Min-woo to America for consultation. It's pretty clear from the trailer…

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